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Quartz Hill Little League

Quartz Hill Little League


Parent and Spectator Code of Conduct:

1.  Be supportive of all players. 

2.  Do not yell at or speak negatively to your child or their teammates.

3.  Do not coach your child or their teammates during a game (unless you are a coach).

4.  Do not ever let any player feel like they lost the game. The team wins and the team loses.

5.  Never yell at or speak negatively to an opposing coach, parent or player.

6.  Do not engage in cheering that could be considered disrespectful to or might interfere with the performance of the opposing team.

7.  Never yell at, criticize or even offer advice to an umpire (even in a polite manner). Comments should be directed to your coach or a league administrator. ***If an umpire feels that they are being mistreated, we will remove you from the remainder of the game and a second offense will result in you being asked not to return.

8.  Never blame the outcome of a game on an umpire. Umpire’s decisions are not always correct, but successful players learn how to overcome those decisions, not use them as excuses.

9.  All parents should remain off the field and out of the dugout unless you are serving in an official capacity.

10.  If you are not satisfied with an aspect of your child’s experience, talk to the manager or coach about it at a time he/she can listen in a respectful way. Generally, this is not immediately before, after or DURING a game.

11.  Understand that QHLL only happens through the efforts of our volunteers. Be appreciative of their efforts and show them the respect you would want to receive.

12.  Concerns should be voiced in writing through the appropriate channels.  Your division player agent is usually the best place to start.

13.  Parents and Spectators should never ridicule or demean coaches, players, umpires, or league officials.  You are responsible for your guests.  Inform them of our league expectations.  

These are children, your children.
This is a game and meant to be fun for the kids above all else.
Managers and Coaches are volunteers.  They make mistakes, give them a break.
Umpires are human.  They make mistakes, give them a break.
YOU are not on the field playing, you are watching...keep it that way.

We trust everyone will remember this and keep the games a fun, safe, enjoyable atmosphere for the kids.  Anyone not acting accordingly will be asked to leave the premises, please do not let that happen to you.

Failure to comply with any of the above is subject to Board of Directors Review. 


Quartz Hill Little League
4975 W Avenue M4 
Quartz Hill, California 93536

Email: [email protected]

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